Seeing is believing.
To re-program your thoughts to positive you must live, eat, sleep and breathe positivity. Nothing changes overnight– you need to program the neurons in your brain to the path of positivity. Think of it this way: Your mind stores memory but just as your muscles have muscle memory your brain has emotional memory.
For example, when you get upset where does your mind take you? That is where you have programed your brain to go. (I suggest writing it down to remember your negative patterns) Just as a pianists fingers remember were to go to play a song on the piano. If your mind is going to a bad place you must program it to go to a better one. It really is that simple but takes some time; just as you cannot be Beethoven over night it takes a lot of practice and exercises for a healthy mindset.
20 Motivational Quotes and Sayings
So how are we going to reprogram your mind in a fast, easy and fun way? Well, There are many ways to re-program your mind. Visually, auditory, kinesthetic, etc. But, today I am going to focus on visual memory… because as I said earlier: Seeing is believing.
Click here for some auditory mindset tricks
According to, “People in positive affective states take in more visual information than those in negative affective states. The insight afforded by this study adds a new layer, suggesting that perhaps the reason we seem to see more when in a good mood is that our brains are unconsciously increasing our sensitivity to visual pleasure.”
The goal is to fill your mind with positive images and “see more” as stated above. We must create a guided imagery for ourselves. Simply put: The more positive things you visually see, the better you will feel.
So to get you started here are 12 motivational memes to get your mindset headed in the right direction.
1. Remember most things we strive for are outside of our comfort zones
2. If you have a dream then go for it. Don’t let fear or what anybody says get in the way.
3. Remember that all things happen for a reason.
4. It’s just better if you think of things this way.
5. If you don’t try you have already failed.
6. It’s never the end. Only a new start.
7. Check where you’re mindset is at. If it’s not where you want it to be then change it.
8. The grass seems greener on the other side. Success takes hard work.
9. Always do what you love. It is obtainable.
10. You are that person who can make a difference. Remember to do it.
11. To get yourself back in check assess your message to the world. Never forget that and you will find what you need.
Sometimes it helps to see things in front of us in different forms, like these memes above.
Let me know in the comments below how your mood has changed since reading this post. Has seeing been believing for you? I want to hear your stories.
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