Celebrities Whose Vision Boards Came True

Creating a vision board is a wonderful technique for manifesting goals. A vision board is a board that you create where you cut out images from a magazine of things you want to achieve and paste them on. It’s that simple.

Why it works:

Scientifically, your brain literally is making new positive pathways of thinking. Every time your brain learns something the neurons inside of it create a pathway. The more you use this pathway the more it becomes a habit. For example, the first time you learn how to walk it’s hard because you’ve never done it before so you have to create a pathway. The more you practice walking the easier it gets until it becomes second nature. This happens because once a pathway is created it becomes faster for your body to understand the action of walking, the more you practice it the more you master it. [Source]

The same goes for any area of life, even positive thinking and visualization. The more you can see and think about what you want the more your brain becomes aware of opportunities for you to achieve it. You literally can rewire your brain for success.

A vision board alone is not going to make your dreams come true. But the act of making one gives your mind a clear goal to achieve. The pathway is made. Now it is up to you to research the things on your board so you can put them into action and ultimately manifest them.

Still a sceptic? Below are six celebrities whose vision boards came true. If it can work for them it can work for you!


Katy Perry

In an interview with MTV in 2009 Katy Perry describes making a vision board when she was

[Source: Instagram @KatyPerry]

[Source: Instagram @KatyPerry]

nine years old.

She explains that, “Her teacher asked the class to make a “vision board” — a collage of images cut out from magazines that represents the dreams and aspirations you hope to manifest in life. The year was 1993 and Selena had just won a Grammy Award, so nine-year-old Katy chose a photo of the young Latin pop singer holding her golden statuette.”

Fifteen years later, Perry was nominated for her first Grammy Award.

Click here for her full story.


John Assaraf


John Assaraf  is a succesful entrepreneur and brain researcher who built multiple multi-million dollar companies in the fields of Internet software, real estate, life and business coaching and brain research. Assaraf was featured in the movie, The Secret where he credited a lot of his success to making vision boards. The most interesting story: John had been making vision boards for years and made one with his dream home on it. Five years later he realized that he had moved into the exact home on his vision board without even knowing. Check out the video above where he talks about it.


Solja Boy

In Highschool Solja boy made a list of all the things he wanted to achieve in his journal.  He says, “In high school, I had this black composition notebook where I used to write down a list of goals: weekly goals, monthly ones, yearly ones, and one for my whole life. In there I had: get a record deal; have a number one song; have a platinum album; get a shoe line and clothing line; invent a dance everyone would do; get my mom out the hood; even little things like get a real watch or do all my homework. One day, I left the notebook in class and this dude found it. He read it out loud in front of everybody when I wasn’t there, trying to embarrass me. Mark my words, a year later, everything in that book had come true. I got the last laugh.”

Click here for Solja Boy’s full story.


Queen B has a picture of an Academy award right near her treadmill that she looks at daily so she can keep her goals literally right in front of her. The movie Dream Girls that she starred in was nominated for an Academy award.

Skip to about 2:10 in the video below to see her talk about it.



Ellen DeGeneres

There’s an episode of the Ellen show were she shows the audience her vision board about her dreams of being on the cover of Oprah’s magazine. For nearly every issue Oprah had been the cover girl, and then Ellen got her dream.



See in the videos below:



 Spanx Creator Sara Blakely 

Sara Blakely talks about using visualization to become successful in a speech at the Woman’s Leadership Exchange. Blakely explains that her goals were, “To be self-employed, invent a product that she could sell to a lot of people, and to create a business that would be able to fund itself.”

She wrote her goals down and they became reality.


If you thought making a vision board wasn’t helpful then think again! Let me know what you think of this post? Did any of the information surprise you? Comment below! 


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