Get Over A Bad Breakup| Tips for Dating On Social Media from Jaclyn Glenn Dose Of Bliss

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. I am so excited to share with you my first episode of the Dose of Bliss show brought to you by Focus TV Network.

In my first interview I talk with YouTuber Jaclyn Glenn. Jaclyn, who has made her romantic relationships public on the internet has suffered her share of public heartbreak. On the show she shares her advice of how to deal with toxic relationships and relationships in the era of social media.

“It’s so hard to see past the feeling you have in the moment. So if you are really sad right after something happens like that in your head it’s hard to imagine not feeling that way in the future.” She explains, ” It’s hard to imagine not being sad. It’s kind of like when you are sick you are like, “I’m never going to be healthy again. And when you are sad you are like, I’m never gonna be happy again. So I was of the mindset that I needed medication to fix myself but honestly all I needed was time. And that’s what happened. And here I am a little over a year later and like the whole thing seems so stupid. And I wish that I could have seen into the future like Hey! You are gonna grow from this and you’re  gonna be fine and you’re gonna look back and be like thank god that didn’t work out cause that was not a cool relationship but in the moment it’s so hard to think that way. My advice to people, it’s so cliche, I hate cliches but time does heal.”



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