This Week’s #DoseOfBliss comes from Former Miss Universe Albania, turned life coach ANGELA MARTINI Her message is: ‘To get comfortable with being uncomfortable.’ This could not be more timely given the current climate of the world right now.
I always talk about vision boards and manifestation and so what happens when everything is put on pause, can we still manifest?! The answer is yes, growth comes from being uncomfortable, the key to manifestation is to let go and let things return to you! Angela shares her her and her mothers remarkable story of growing up in Albania during a time of political instability as communism started to dissolve in the region. Her early childhood was plagued by kidnapping attempts, neighborhood violence, and at one point, a short stay in a refugee camp. Be inspired by her story of how she overcame hardship to become a Miss Universe and now, life coach. We must remember, there are always challenging times but from those times comes great growth. Check out this week’s video for your weekly Dose Of Bliss!
Check out Angela’s book Love Light Hope here