Andru Edwards of Gear Live Interview | How Failure Led To My Success

You may not know it’s him, but you’ve seen him before.  Andru Edwards is the first person you see on a Samsung Galaxy S8 TV commercial that is currently EVERYWHERE. But his road to becoming a digital influencer & tech reviewer is not what you would imagine.

“Initially in 2004, I was trying to get a job at was the Wikipedia, before Wikipedia was around, ” He explained,” I wanted to be the person in charge of the technology section on and the way you got the job is you had to act as if you worked at For two weeks I submitted articles everyday as if I was the one in charge of that site. And at the end of the two weeks, they would choose someone. It wasn’t me.”

But Andru, did not let this get him down! He chose to turn it into success. With having articles already written he decided to put it onto his own blog. And thus Gear Live was born. But having a blog is not as simple as it seems.

“There was so much competition all of the sudden. Everybody was doing tech news. And two of the blogs that started at about the same time I did got bought by these huge corporations. And their staff turned from one person to 25 and there was no way I could compete. And so my traffic started going down.”

Again, Andru had to think quick. Videos! This was initially before YouTube was invented. He had to store footage on a server. Edwards quickly became known as the man who had more video content than any other outlet at CES the next year. Soon after YouTube  become a thing and he started to see an unexpected following grow on the platform.

To find out the rest of Andrew’s story watch the full video here:

We don’t know what is anymore. In fact, the site doesn’t even exist, it’s been changed to a new company. Andru not getting his dream job was the best thing that could have happened to him. He is more successful now! So, to everyone reading this, just because something doesn’t go your way, that doesn’t mean that your dream will not come true. If you fail, you are being lead to a better path.


“You Become perfect or, as close to perfect can get by doing. You’re not going to be perfect day one. No matter what it is you want to do in your life. Just start.”  – Andru Edwards



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