10 Easy Tips to Improve Your Day

Staying happy and motivated can be hard sometimes but there are  some quick ways to turn a bad day into a good one!


Here are 10 easy tips to improve your day:

  1. Take a moment to stretch— this gets your blood flowing and will calm you down.
  2. Listen to Upbeat Songs Music can instantly change your mood. Have a success play-list on hand to pump you up!
  3. Look up inspirational quotes— just like music words can turn a negative thought to a positive one! Find your favorites and save them.
  4. Make a list of all the things you are thankful for— it’s easy to forget how lucky you truly are. Making a list will instantly remind you.
  5. Clean your room or house— when things are unorganized you feel out of order. Something as simple as straightening things up will quickly improve your mood.
  6. Do something nice for someone else— instead of moping around do a good deed for someone. Seeing that you can bring joy to someone is the biggest boost of happiness you can get!
  7. Start thinking more positive thoughts a study at Mayo Clinic  describes how positive thinking can actually improve your health. Those who think they can and those who think they can’t are both right. It’s surprising how far positive thoughts and positive affirmations can take you.
  8. Write your positive thoughts down and put them somewhere you can see them— write them on post-it notes and stick them to the mirror, that way every morning you see positive words and can conquer your day.
  9. Reframe Situations— this means turning a negative into a positive. Instead of being sad about something not going your way, decide how you can make it into something better.  Things turn out best for those who make the best of the way things turn out.

Remember that every day is a good day if you let it be! With these tips you can quickly improve your day and even inspire others!

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