How to Make What You Want Inevitable

Graduating college in 2012 I knew I wanted to move to Hollywood to be a red carpet reporter. Now, obviously that’s far from the easiest job to get, let alone straight out of college. When you want to work in news, you’re told to go to a small market [like Alaska]to build up experience because it’s so unlikely to get a job in LA or New York.

I didn’t care, I wanted to go to LA, I never wanted to live in a small town.

At an after party for the Billboard Awards
On the Red Carpet for the Emmy’s

So that’s what I did. Three months out of college I was in LA exactly where I said I’d be: On the red carpet. I nabbed a job with a national magazine and before I knew it I was rubbing shoulders with George Clooney and Brad Pitt, enjoying seats at the Grammys and attending the glamorous parties— all before I was 24 years old.

Everyone always asks me: “How did you do it? How do you get everything you want always?”

My answer: I make what I want inevitable to happen.

You’re asking, how do you make something inevitable to happen? Well I am going to give you a few tips at the end of this post, but first, I’m going to tell you where I came up with this idea.

It all started in 1997, I was about to turn seven years old. Like any child all I wanted in the whole wide world was a puppy. And I found her. The only problem… my parents said no. But this was MY puppy. I knew it was destiny so I came up with a plan: right then and there I said to myself, “How can I make sure that I get this puppy? What do I do to make it inevitable, certain to happen, that my parents would change their mind and buy her?”

I devised a plan.

1. I had to make sure that no one else bought this dog

2. I had to make my parents know that I wasn’t going to forget about it

3. I had to make my parents fall in love with her

I decided that those were the top three things that would make it inevitable that I get this puppy. But it didn’t stop there. I thought about how I was going to make sure those things happen. Luckily, all of them had something in common: I had to constantly be at the pet store; That way, no one else would be able to play with her or buy her, my parents would know I wouldn’t forget about it, and my family would fall in love with her.

And that is exactly what I did. I’d talk about it all day long and after school make my parents take me to the pet store everyday. I even named her, Ginger. She’d sit in my lap the whole time I was at the pet store and I wouldn’t let anyone else touch her. I stayed at the store with her until it closed. No one had an option to fall in love with her but my family and I. And they did. A week later, she was mine.

The day I took home my dog Ginger.
The day I took home my dog Ginger.

And that’s how I discovered the formula to making things inevitable.

Step 1: Ask yourself what do you want?

Step 2:  What do you have to do to make sure that you get it?

Step 3:  Actually do those things. 

Step 4: Never give up.

I have carried this formula to all areas of my life, and I am proof that it works.

I’ve found that most people don’t follow through with the things they want and give up. Want something so bad that you figure a way to make it inevitable to happen!

I encourage you to make a work sheet with my steps written above and actually write down each step so you can visualize what you need to do to make things happen. Then go do them!

That’s the secret. If I can do it, so can you ?
“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.”

― Eric Thomas, The Secret To Success


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